September 2024 PTSA Board Meeting Minutes
Date/Time: 9/19/24, 6pm
Location: Novel Strand Brewing Company
Facilitator: Amy Miller
Board Members Present: Amy Miller, VP; Liz Mogno, Secretary; Mackenzie Schmidt, Marketing/Communications; Allison Kahlich, Communications; Sarah Callaway, Volunteer Coordinator; Lara Pomprowitz, Fundraising Chair; Sarah Rothman, Merchandise Chair
Community Members Present: None (Internal Meeting)
Next Board Meeting: Community/Public Meeting, Homegrown Tap and Dough, Wednesday, 9/25/24, 6:15pm
Lincoln PTSA Meeting Minutes
Call to Order: Amy Miller called the meeting to order at 6:10pm
Action Items: Motion to approve last meeting’s minutes was made by Amy, all in favor, motion to approve minutes passed
Agenda Items
(Amy Miller, VP)
Feedback BOY events
Approve/Finalize PTSA Public Meeting agenda
Laps for Lincoln - final details, etc
Fall Fest; Lead: Rachel Bensinger; Liz to co-lead/support
Discuss google drive organization?/connect to squarespace/zeffy update?
Discuss how we are supporting leads?
Meet and greet (info and feedback):
(Amy Miller, VP; all members contributing)
maximum 2 hours, teachers need to be there for a longer period of time
Start time feedback? If possible start later
Goal is to have it run by school, supported by PTSA
Good response to the passport book
Popsicle line did get long
Feels like the whole thing was too long
We don’t have enough tents for these events
We only have 2 functioning tents currently
School Supply drive:
(Amy Miller, VP; all members contributing)
Difficult with links and streamline of purchasing items
My school bucks it still worth looking at as an option
It appears everyone’s needs were met
Welcome back breakfast and Kiss and Cry with the Principal
(Sarah Callaway, Volunteer Coordinator; Allison Kahlich, Communications)
Well received, teachers seemed to like it
*Kiss and Cry:
do not need so much food, if anything, just coffee, hardly anyone ate anything
great event, everyone really enjoyed it
feel like there wasn’t an expectation for how long it went so it would help to set that expectation
Back to School Night:
(All members present contributing)
speaking times went long
confusing for everyone due to the lower EL presentation, people went into the auditorium when they didn’t need to; Tunisha was planning to do the lower El presentation but got sick so Amy was thrown in to do it and did the best she could at the last moment
childcare: was a lot of kids but it ran smoothly, plenty for them to do
helpful to have Ms.Jones announce when it was time to shift to the auditorium for the main
Approval/Review of Public PTSA Meeting Agenda:
(Amy Miller, VP; all members contributing)
Public PTSA Meeting 9/25/24, Homegrown Tap and Dough Restaurant
budget needs more specifics/clarity
questions around needing to fund a 4th para; more about supporting the school
we’re funding three paras, having the extra money to support the school
have questions in understanding budget spreadsheet; how does the fiscal year work;
call for membership
call for volunteers
approve the budget
will have a handout that has QR codes
info about ballot issues- clarifying the details that would help the school at a structural level
Communications: “Lincoln Happenings”
Q and A with Ms. Dulsky- poll for written questions, have a specific amount of time, cut it off and then have her float if people want to follow up with her they can but we move into laps
Laps kickoff party: let people know where we’re at and where we hope to get; build the excitement -tap Jarred for building it up
appetizers: order ahead
Next Internal PTSA Meeting topics/agenda items:
questions re: budget
still looking into and needing/wanting to switch platforms from venmo due to the difficulty in transitioning between boards/board members
Zeffy has no credit card fees
Lara: we should move whatever we can to Zeffy
Zeffy requires forms for each item (i.e. popcorn sales, etc.)
will have a meaningful conversation re: Zeffy at next meeting in October
Laps for Lincoln:
(Sarah Callaway, Volunteer Coordinator)
Laps as of now: we currently have more than 51 students registered
Everything appears to be in place
Jarred and Laura Carson will lead/MC
Other Business/General Discussion Items:
(All members contributing)
Coffee on the blacktop:
Voodoo is on board; Gina’s doing coffee
we can look into starbucks; they have donated for teacher appreciation in the past
Membership: email past members reminding them that membership is an annual commitment
Communications: how does she want us/communications to handle items that aren’t on the calendar and/or need editing
transitioning from old calendar to new calendar; the link is incorrect currently
need to educate people how to download the new calendar
getting lots of feedback re: change in ledger schedule delivery; encourage people to let Shelley know directly that you’d like a more regular ledger schedule and reliability
PUSH the app and social media for event info, etc.
the website is the place where we publicly post
created a board email group
finding a person for researching and applying for grants; grant writing
Merch: (Sarah R): purple is proving more demanded than black
We’re losing money on all of the black shirts; margin on the purple is about 40%; we literally pay more for the black shirts per shirt than we charge
Closing & Reminders
Amy motioned to adjourn the meeting, Lara seconded, all in favor, meeting adjourned at 9pm.
Next Board Meeting: Public Community Meeting: Wednesday, 9/25/24, 6:15pm, Homegrown Tap and Dough Restaurant