October ‘24 PTSA Board Meeting Minutes
Date/Time: 10/17/24, 6pm
Location: Table Public House
Facilitator: Stacy Berger, President
Board Members Present: Stacy Berger, President; Amy Miller, VP; Liz Mogno, Secretary; Sui Wong, Technology Chair; Mackenzie Schmidt, Marketing/Communications; Allison Kahlich, Communications; Lara Pomprowitz, Fundraising; Sarah Callaway, Volunteer Coordinator
Community Members Present: N/A
Next Board Meeting: 11/7/24, 6pm
Lincoln PTSA Meeting Minutes
Call to Order: Stacy called the meeting to order at 6:26pm
Action Items: Liz motioned to approve the last meeting minutes, Amy seconded, all in favor, minutes approved.
Agenda Items
(Stacy Berger, President)
PTSA Business
Review Bylaws
Future Board Meeting and Community Meeting schedule (see this doc)
Budget questions
Nature of fiscal year
Fine point questions
Discuss Zeffy- use a platform
Set up treasurer
Can’t use for BASH, for paddle raise or Laps due to privacy
Preparation for November Community Meeting
Streamlining processes
Update google drive
Comms processes
PTSA v. community events/news
Google calendar
Building usage/facilities and scheduling
Closet walkthrough and update
Merchandise update
Volunteer update
Laps for Lincoln - Thank You Notes
Goldfish Swim present at next public PTSA meeting?
Upcoming Events
Fall fest final details
Look at Nov/Dec Calendar
PTSA Business
(Stacy Berger, President; Amy Miller, VP)
Amy took the PTSA bylaws and went through them and cleaned them up. We are supposed to submit them every 3 years
Bylaws read: BOD/Executive committee-the named officers that have to go through elective process (president, vp, secretary, treasurer)
Committees: Nominating (works on getting the nominees for the next term; instead of the current board/committee doing it), Financial (review the budget within 30 days of the end of the fiscal year), Membership (help recruit members, be part of the membership engagement, etc.)
Everyone else is appointed, runs through an administrative term
President is involved in everything except the nominating committee
Committees are a great way to get to know the PTSA in it’s roles and function
Voting quorums- has to be larger than the BOD and a percentage of the membership; thinking ~13 right now
Next public meeting in November we must vote to approve the bylaws and also establish the committees
Committee descriptions are in the bylaws (article 12) but we will summarize a description to send out in the ledger
(Liz Mogno, Secretary; Stacy Berger, President)
How do we keep membership engagement
Cadence of communications to members- when meetings are, what will be provided
CO gives could be an opportunity to engage members to use their network to gain traction or giving within other networks
Highlights of meetings to minutes after meetings happened for those who weren’t there
Sending out an email to prior members who aren’t current to encourage to
Submitting membership to CO PTA-when? How? -Liz will find out
(Stacy Berger, President; Amy Miller, VP)
We’ve ordered more tents that should be here in time for Fall Fest
Do we need another A-frame? The printing for the A frame is expensive however
There’s a video on how to set up and fold up the tents, it’s important to do it correctly to keep them in good working condition
Meeting with Shelley today: DEIB Consultant working with school and will do a parent education night- she’s asked PTSA to sponsor her trip/stay; she’s coming from the east coast*
Rachel Simring renewed her PIE sponsorship ($2000)- dropped off a check to school
Amy- grants for teachers:
grants would be something that the finance committee could manage
we wait for all the requests to come in and then see where it falls within
this would allow us to help cover costs of field trips and sponsorships, in house speakers/presentations
Grants-curricular projects, non-consumables
Enrichment scholarships: we have to identify students in advance
reimagine the funds that will benefit all the students
ELCS manages enrichments on their own and identify those in need in their own system and funding; now that it is no longer a PTSA driven entity, it seems there could be a better use of those funds; we need to edit the line item that we offer scholarships
Sui: rfp’s to companies that do playgrounds and state our budget, tell us what we can get
Lara- Zeffy:
tasked Doug to update our bank account
you have to upload your driver’s license; how do we want to handle that as a moving board by convention
Zeffy can streamline venmo
May be more work on the front end to link your account
Ticket sales, possibly online auction; can’t do live auction, live events
Separate Zeffy work session to work through this; whoever can join, joins
Just need to get it set up and make the big transitions which is overwhelming but we can take it step by step and feel it out with things
Next Public Meeting (11/14/24)
(Stacy Berger, President; Amy Miller, VP)
Innovation space (off the library in school) for next public meeting; Nov 14th
Babysitting will be offered
Kids will be in the cafeteria; light snacks will be provided (NOT dinner)
Babysitting drop off until 6:46pm, meeting starts at 7pm sharp
We’ll have some desserts available, offer to public to feel free to bring something to share if you’d like but no pressure
Celebrate fall events:
share out events that have happened: Laps, Fall Fest, Rest
highlight upcoming events
Business: vote on the budget, vote on the bylaws, vote on teacher grants?
Executive committee:
Teacher grants due in by 11/7 so we can have an idea of the requested grants for membership approval at the meeting- this is a way to show how we’re helping and where your money is going
Community Corner:
School choice is a topic
Talk about local measures that impact education/schools
School Focus: CMAS scores, markers of the support that needs to be given to students to meet needs (e.g. writing, etc); what are
Board members bringing desserts: Amy-pumpkin cheesecake, Allison-cookies, Mackenzie’s friend-brown butter rice krispie treats (maybe), Liz- baked treat
We’ll provide Sparkling water
Schools closing will come out on 11/7 (before the meeting)- if we become a receiver school
Volunteer Update
(Sarah Callaway, Volunteer Coordinator)
feeling like people are reluctant to “take on” volunteer roles
“Teams” instead of “Leads”
Template revision for binder format to make it more user friendly and overall more useful
BOD point person for each PTSA event
Teacher Appreciation:
In the past, PTSA has stocked the teacher’s fridge
Upcoming Costco run: drinks/snacks for teachers, light snacks for kids during the public meeting
Sarah C: seems like there’s a lot of excitement out there, it’s just hard to get the commitment at times; talent show, science night, etc.
(Allison Kahlich, Communications Co-chair; Mackenzie Schmidt, Communications Co-chair)
not doing anything that is not a true PTSA event
Every other week ledgers; Allison will give heads up when things need to be in
Social media or app push notification- you can put that in the form
Where we are in the ledger; length, pictures take up a lot of space, hierarchy
CCL communication is up and running
Discuss CCL procedure at upcoming meeting on 11/7
Mackenzie- design stuff for events prior to events starting
Other Business
(Stacy Berger, President; Amy Miller, VP; Lara Pomprowitz, Fundraising)
Community Issue brought to our attention:
District is acting in bad faith in the agreement that was made during negotiations three years ago in that they are not meeting COLA (Cost of Living Adjustment)
Teachers are negotiating their contract in the spring with the district
there will be people advocating at the capitol
we’ve been asked to help spread the word as well
The district acts differently when there are parents there vs when they’re not there
Wear Red for Ed (DCTA) on Monday (10/21) to show your support- march and rally
PTSA Closet:
Shed outside which has most the recess stuff out
Shelley’s working with custodial to get their stuff moved out
We can move everything except Kimberlie’s corner
Tape the floor to show exactly where everything goes
Science stuff is questionable? Still looking into it
Paint stuff is ours, what are we doing with it?- donate, keep what we need
Single, annual use can go in Jen’s storage area; frequently used items stay in the PTSA closet
Membership ask to help organize the closet regularly
Shared google drive is up and running
My shared drive, there are 4 drives, we have access to all four of them.
Make people contributors where they can add but can’t take out
We clean it up periodically and remove those who are no longer involved
Google Calendar is working-need to keep the list and the calendar updated
Fundraising Updates:
Lara: restaurant nights are going well, we’ve already raised $1300, our goal is ~$3500
Upcoming- Buy a Dave and Busters super card, we get half of the proceeds
Possible magic show fundraiser; ideas are coming
Need to define the responsibilities between roles (fundraising, restaurant nights, PIE)
Holiday performances December 16th and 17th at 6pm
Shelley asked re: whether the calendar is being updated; communications is checking on this
Building Usage facilities and scheduling- new process for request of use for weekend use of building- moving target
Closing & Reminders
Will send out a fall fest reminder and call out to PTSA members tomorrow
Next Meeting will talk about BASH and get moving on that
Action Items: Amy motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9pm, Stacy seconded, meeting adjourned.
Next Board Meeting: 11/7/24, 6pm, Location TBD