November 2024 Public PTSA Meeting Minutes

Date/Time: 11/14/24

Location:  Lincoln Elementary Innovation Space

Facilitator: Stacy Berger

Board Members Present:  Stacy Berger, President; Amy Miller, VP; Liz Mogno, Secretary; Doug Lazure, Treasurer; Sui Wong, Technology Chair;  Mackenzie Schmidt, Marketing/Communications; Allison Kahlich, Communications; Lara Pomprowitz, Fundraising Chair; Sarah Rothman, Merchandise Chair

Community Members Present: Shelley Dulsky, Jill Isenstadt, Anna Jennett, Jackie Klein, Isaac Fees, Connor Gleason, Krissy Koenig, Kristina Lukes

Next Board Meeting: Thursday, 1/30/25, Time and location TBD

Lincoln PTSA Meeting Minutes

Call to Order: Stacy Berger called the meeting to order at 7:05pm

Action Items:  Budget, Teacher Grants, Update Bylaws, Review of tonight’s agenda

Agenda Items

Stacy Berger, President

  • PTSA Business

    • Fall in Review

    • Upcoming Events

    • Budget

    • Teacher Grant approval

    • Bylaws Discussion and Vote

    • Committee Formation

  • Community Corner

  • School Choice

  • Academic Insight

  • CMAS + Its Impact on Lincoln

Fundraising Information/Update

Lara Pomprowitz, Fundraising Chair

  • Fundraising- why? Sponsors field trips, provides grants, supports free community events (fall fest, bike rodeo), funds paraprofessional salaries, supports spaces and programming as needed in the building

  • Restaurant nights and community events to fundraise

  • Upcoming: selling regal movie tix for december 7th to see Moana 2 and prior, go to Junction Food Hall to get food before

  • 12/5: second star to the right; santa story time at 1pm and they will donate a portion of proceeds back to us

  • Let us know if you have any restaurant suggestions or faves we should reach out to

  • PIE: 42 business have donated so far this year; helps with fundraising and gains exposure for businesses

  • Minted: 20% off of your purchase and they’ll donate 15% of sales back

  • Local photography studio is donating mini sessions; info in ledgers

  • Blue Frog Plumbing is donating a portion of proceeds if booking their services

  • CO Gives day: now-December 10th; there is an option for monthly donations; we are looking for local companies to sponsor Lincoln for CO Gives Day which would present as our “company match”

  • BASH coming in April- talked about party, online and live auction; looking for a presenting sponsor for BASH

Upcoming Dates/Events

Mackenzie Scmidt, Marketing/Communications

  • Restaurant Nights

  • Coffee on the Black top (typically the first friday of the month)

  • School tours started today

  • Lincoln calendar is on the website-make sure to update the calendar through the website

Merchandise Update

  • Sarah Rothman, Merchandise Chair

  • New to merch: hats!  We have new baseball caps for Lincoln and we will likely add beanies

  • Looking at our marketing/pr agenda

Budget Update/Vote

Doug Lazure, Treasurer

  • Please refer to slides:PTSA_November Community Meeting_2024 for full budget details

  • great growth through our big fundraisers

  • Shout out  to Andy Newman-Gonchar for restaurant nights

  • Community Question: “what would we do with $20,000 more?”

  • Community Question: $145,000 goal? Is it a hard number? Answer: It’s an educated guess based on prior years

  • Pantry program explanation/promotion

  • *Doug motioned to vote on the budget: all yays, no nays. The 2024-25 budget passed.

Teacher Grants

Amy Miller, VP

  • ”Teacher working conditions are student learning conditions”

  • Current total is ~$2400

  • Teachers apply and we approve as able 

  • Overall budget is $5,000 and that is a standing amount each year

  • Promote it to teachers as there are funds still available

  • *Amy motioned to vote on approval of teacher grants; all yays, no nays. Teacher grants are approved.


Amy Miller, VP; Stacy Berger, President

  • Recommendation to approve the updated bylaws; bylaws can be accessed here

  • Stacy motioned to approve the bylaws: all yays, no nays. Motion passed, bylaws for 2024-2026 PTSA board are approved


Amy Miller, VP

  • Per the bylaws, we should have the following three committees: Membership (3 members), Financial (3 members), Nominating Committee (3 or 5 members)

  • We would like to form these committees tonight or at least get them started

  • We will be nominating a secretary and treasurer at the end of this year as their current terms will be up

  • Board members and community members present volunteered for committees with the following results: 

    • Membership committee: Liz Mogno, Mackenzie Schmidt, Connor Gleason

    • Financial Committee: Amy Miller, Lara Pomprowitz

    • Nominating Committee:  Sarah Rothman, Allison Kahlich

Community Corner

Stacy Berger, President; Shelley Dulsky, Principal

  • CMAS and Standardized testing

  • Children’s hospital talking about kids mental health

  • School Choice Round 1 starts in January; if we increase our enrollment, we get more funding from DPS (they increase our budget)

  • Connor G: one newcomer family here now, may be changing with school closures and re-organization

  • Fall count was at 265; please see slides here: PTSA_November Community Meeting_2024 for more details

  • Invite friends to our events: coffee, tours, social media, etc

  • Volunteer to help with enrollment outreach

  • We’re open to new ideas

  • Shelley: we want to increase the fluidity of the traditional and montessori tracks and spread that information to the community

  • School choice question: What are the reasons people choice into lincoln?  Vs other schools? Is there a way to find that information out?-we’d like to gather that information

  • Suggestion: Talk up the traditional side; let people know that you can do either montessori or traditional and that we do have ECE-there is a need to communicate all of this


Shelley Dulsky, Lincoln Elementary School Principal

  • Shelley provided paper handouts with information and spoke about CMAS

  • Interim assessments-designed to predict how well students are prepared for CMAS

  • Working through issues with it and fine tuning as it’s brand new; designed to mirror the type of questions and information that kids are going to see on CMAS

  • Achievement: number of answers correct

  • Growth: tracks each student with similarly situated peers

  • Looking at what’s driving growth

  • Talked about digital aspect of CMAS 

  • Q: Are students taught typing?  A: no, not formally

Closing & Reminders

  • Stacy: Thank you all for coming

  • Volunteer opportunities: Talent show, BASH, CO Gives Day, Teacher/staff appreciation gift, Science Night

  • Next meeting will be on Jan 30, 2025, time and location TBA

  • Motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:45p by Stacy, Liz seconded, meeting was adjourned

Next Board Meeting: 1/30/2025, TIME AND LOCATION TBA


Fall Fest